Wir freuen uns euch die finale Running Order präsentieren zu können.
Einlass 17.00 Uhr
18:20-18:40 Vlada Ina
19:00-19:20 Second Sight
19:40-20:10 Ashes
20:30-21:00 Revulsion
21:20-21:50 Chaver
22:10-22:40 Vamachara
23:00-23:40 Judiciary
00:00-xx:xx Desolated
Einlass: 13.00 Uhr
14:00-14:20 Nothings Left
14:40-15:00 Inhuman Nature
15:20-15:40 Broken Humanity
16:00-16:20 Born Hanged
16:40-17:00 Worst Doubt
17:20-17:40 Peace of Mind
18:00-18:20 GSF
18:40-19:05 RTC
19:25-19:50 Optimist
20:10-20:35 Soulground
20:55-21:25 Dagger Threat
21:45-22:15 Year of the Knife
22:35-23:05 Ghetto Justice
23:25-23:55 xREPRESENTx
00:15-xx:xx Risk it!